Lewes Archaeological Group

Lewes Archaeological Group text

Programme of talks 2023-2024

All talks take place at 7.30pm in the Lecture Room, Lewes Town Hall
(Fisher St entrance, lift access available).
Entrance (including tea/coffee) for members is £3/£2 for concessions.
Non-members are very welcome at £4/£3 for concessions.
FREE entry for those 25 years and under

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Fri 20 October A Potted History of British Archaeology with Simon Stevens
Simon is a Senior Archaeologist with Archaeology South East. The history of archaeology in these islands is dotted with colourful characters, amazing sites and finds and even the odd rogue. From opening barrows before breakfast to the modern painstaking scientific analysis of strata and artefacts, the study of the past has developed rapidly through time. Today’s archaeologists (paid and unpaid) are the benefactors of centuries of archaeological experiences, good and bad.
Fri 17 November The South Downs Explored from Above with Gary Webster.
Gary is Heritage Officer with the National Trust’s Changing Chalk project. He will talk about Changing Chalk: Downs from Above, a project that used aerial photographs, both old and new, of the South Downs north of Brighton, together with lidar images from laser scans. Not only have new features been discovered but the true character of existing features is being recognised for the first time.
Fri 19 January The last Neanderthal and first Sapiens of the English Channel Region with Dr Matt Pope
Matt is an Associate Professor of Palaeolithic Archaeology at the UCL Institute of Archaeology. He is currently leading on excavations at the Neanderthal site of La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey, as well as further high-profile Palaeolithic excavations in Southern Britain and the Channel Islands. .
Fri 23 February Excavations at the Romano British Settlement at Bridge Farm, Barcombe with David Millum.
David is Co-director of the Culver Archaeological Project. Excavation of a Romano-British defended riverside settlement has been taking place for over a decade. He will discuss the many and varied artefacts that have been found during these excavations and how they help to interpret the site.
Fri 15 March 2,000 years of archaeology at Smallhythe in Kent with Nathalie Cohen.
Nathalie is the London and South East regional archaeologist for the National Trust. This talk will present the results of the most recent season of excavation at the National Trust property at Smallhythe, which lies on the Kent / Sussex border. Over three weeks in August 2023 a team of over 100 volunteers, working with professional archaeologists from Archaeology South-East, Museum of London Archaeology and Historic England explored the Roman, medieval and post medieval past of this now tiny riverside settlement - revealing lost buildings and routeways, evidence for medieval shipbuilding and artefacts - which help to tell the stories of those who lived here before us..
Fri 19 April John Pull and Worthing’s Stone Age Revolutiont with James Sainsbury.
James is the curator at Worthing Museum & Art Gallery. He will talk about the excavation of the labyrinthine Neolithic flint mines at Blackpatch on the chalk downland above Worthing by the amateur archaeologist John Pull; the first industrial landscape in British history!
Fisher Street is up the hill from Lewes railway station, just over the crossroads by Ask restaurant in the centre of town. The nearest parking is in the West Street car park - continue along Fisher Street then turn right, then shortly right again into the car park.
Please contact us if you have ideas for speakers or would like to give a talk.

Past talks.
