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About the Lewes Archaeological Group
Lewes Archaeological Group was founded in 1968 to investigate prehistoric and historic remains in the town of Lewes and the surrounding district. Although the Group does not currently run any excavations, it has each year a full programme of talks [Lecture Programme].
It also has occasional tours and walks. Members - often in cooperation with other societies and organisations - are involved in excavations and other projects such as field walking, surveying and watching briefs.
Details of opportunities are included in the Group's twice yearly newsletter [Newsletter] and also in the events page [What's on].
The Group's lecture programme and occasional site visits and walks bring together those interested in archaeology and history from across the area. - Lewes is rich in archaeology. [Archaeology of Lewes]
Everyone is welcome to attend LAG's talks, but membership [Membership] gives a reduced entrance charge. Members also receive the newsletter and receive invitation by e-mail to special activities, such as walks or tours.
Click here for the current Newsletter as PDF
Click here for the current Newsletter as Word
LAG officers and committee members and Constitution
For further information, please contact Sue Berry by email at berry.s48(at)
Fri 17 January
Selsey, Lewes and the Early Medieval Kingdoms of Sussex with Dr Michael Shapland.
During the centuries after the end of the Roman rule, Sussex was made up of several different kingdoms. This talk will suggest that the western kingdom retained its British identity with Selsey as its royal centre and then apply some of these ideas to the eastern kingdom, centred on Pevensey and Lewes.
7.30pm in the Lecture Room, Lewes Town Hall
(Fisher St entrance, lift access available).
Entrance for members is £3/£2 for concessions..
Non-members are very welcome at £4/£3 for concessions..
FREE entry for those aged 25 years or under.
Click here for the full 2024-2025 programme.
LAG Plumpton Walk.
The Hampden Park War Memorial
The celebration of VE Day evokes the whole concept of ‘Commemoration’ and the diverse ways in which it can be expressed. It is a broad concept, but our thoughts turn at once to memorials, built to last as perpetual and visible tributes to those who have served their country.
the United Kingdom stand many thousands of memorials. They may commemorate the fallen from wars and conflicts, victims of disasters, heroes, famous figures and Royalty
Renowned War Memorials include the Cenotaph in Whitehall, the R.A.F. Bomber Command Memorial by Green Park, the Royal Artillery Memorial at Hyde Park Corner, the Animals in War Monument and the fine Royal Tank Regiment Memorial Statue in Whitehall. Cities, towns and villages throughout the land are proud of their War Memorials and gather round them every year on Remembrance Sunday. If a small village does not have one, there will be a plaque or a wall-monument in the church.
East Sussex residents may not be aware that the first War Memorial to be built-in their county was in Hampden Park, near Eastbourne. On January 10th, 1920, the handsome stone monument which stands near the Lake and the Tea Chalet, was unveiled by Rupert Gwynne of Folkington. Gwynne was Conservative Member of Parliament for Eastbourne from 1910 until his death from illness in 1924. On January 29th, 2020, this fine Memorial was re-dedicated on its Centenary by Councillor Steve Wallis, Mayor of Eastbourne from June 2019 until May 2020.
A moving Service was taken by the Reverend Adam Ransom, Rector of the Benefice of Hampden Park and the Hydeneye. A small crowd of residents and neighbours gathered round the monument and sang ‘O God our Help in Ages Past’ and the National Anthem. Father Adam gave a warm welcome to everyone, said prayers for the fallen from World Wars l and II and other conflicts, ending with a Roll Call of local Parishioners who had lost their lives in both wars. Rupert Gwynne was remembered for his part in the original ceremony. It was recalled that in 1922 he was the chief donor in giving the Memorial Recreation Ground in Wannock to the people of Polegate in perpetuity. Father Adam closed the re- dedication Ceremony with prayers for all the Armed Forces.
The setting of the Hampden Park War Memorial in a glade near the Lake with its busy wildfowl residents and the pretty tea chalet nearby is the perfect example of how to install a contemporary monument for the public to enjoy.
Sabrina Harcourt-Smith