Lewes Archaeological Group

Lewes Archaeological Group text

What's on

The following organisations and groups organise talks and other events but here is a list of talks and events that may be of particular interest.

BHASBrighton and Hove Archaeological Society
ENHASEastbourne Natural History and Archaeological Society
FOACFriends of Anne of Cleves House
LAGLewes Archaeological Group See here for details of LAG lectures.
LHGLewes History Group
LPTLewes Priory Trust
SASSussex Archaeological Society (Sussex Past)
SSASussex School of Archaeology
USASUniversity of Sussex Archaeological Society (USAS)

The Sussex School of Archaeology also runs practical day schools on all aspects of field archaeology including illustration, geo physics, finds preservation and field walking as well as holding other events. To find details of these courses visit - http://www.sussexarchaeology.org

The Lewes History Group holds talks on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm, at King's Church, Lewes. A project progress group meets on the third Monday of the month for members carrying out local research. See http://leweshistory.org.uk/